08 November, 2007

A letter to my mother

Dear Mom,

My blog gives the false impression that all I do is travel. When I review my postings I can understand how one could arrive at that conclusion. So I offer evidence in the form of photos of textbooks, my classroom, and my office. I am working, contrary to your conversation with Andy last week.

My work week begins on Sunday when I typically work several hours in preparation for classes the next week. All courses are new preps for me which means a fair amount of advanced reading and designing classroom activities. Although new preps require extra effort, there is something exciting about designing learning opportunities for students. For example, students in my classes are involved in service learning projects outside the classroom. Many are working at local schools, churches, cafĂ©’s, and parks in an effort to give back to the community where we live. They seem to enjoy this level of cultural immersion and I eagerly await their end-of-semester reflections on learning.

Thursday afternoon is my last class of the week and I am blessed with a group of students who never cease to amuse me – they are funny, engaged, and willing to put forth effort in learning about Human Resource Management. For the first time ever, I have a classroom of students who express excitement over a semester end project.

So rest assured your daughter is delightfully engaged in meaningful work here in Scotland. Oh, yeah and this weekend I’m off to Paris to spend 48 hours with friends Mindy & Anne. You see my motto is “work hard, play harder”. Although tiring it is a noble pursuit.

Your loving daughter,

for those of you who don’t know my NY family refers to me as “Kathy”


Unknown said...

Hi Kathy, imagine my surprise to see a letter from you via a blog....a first for me!! How many people will read this, and do they know that your brother and I have a wonderful sense of humor?? I would love to be in one of your classes and observe your teaching methods, which I am sure are excellent.
But....hey.., western Scotland, London, Paris all in a few weeks..what's a mother to think??(:-) Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Barbara - and Kat,
I read this and you can rest assured that I definitely know that you and Andrew have a wonderful sense of humor!!!! Hope all is well w/all the family -- in Scotland, Wisconsin and NY.
Love, Catherine B, Seattle, WA