27 July, 2007

Of hiccups and speed bumps

Speed bumps & hiccups sometimes cause us to slow down a bit. When we anticipate them we can plan for the speed change, apply the brake, slowly approach the bump, and proceed on. However when it comes on a bit unexpectedly it becomes a little more difficult to manage. That’s how it felt 2 days ago when I heard the words “you may need to defer your trip to Scotland”. My professional “fill in” person was threatening to bail and I needed to consider all possible outcomes. After taking a day away from the drama (both real and self created) I came to realize how much Scotland had seeped into my being. Today things look a bit more realistic. My fill in person is back on track and I am back to planning my courses and contacting the UK Embassy (where IS my passport?). Self created drama is a waste of energy and I can go there in a heartbeat. Stopping the chatter and focusing is challenging for me during times of surprise. I suspect there will be more times like these however right now I am happy to be approaching a weekend knowing Scotland IS right around the corner for me.

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