09 December, 2007

What a ride it has been...

It is good that I will spend the holidays here with family and friends. Repatriation is an issue for the most seasoned of expats, there are predictable stages and emotions. Return is wrought in catching up with all that occurred during absence and attempting (slowly I’m told is best) to integrate my learning into what was once familiar. I anticipate re-entry from a distance, tentatively viewing from afar wondering aloud how it will be. In the meantime there are finals to be written, grades to be calculated, people to bid farewell to, and holiday shopping to attend to.

Our days are numbered in single digits now. This past week was filled with student presentations. We also had the pleasure of live readings from students in the memoir class – incredible, talented writers. My colleague, Rosemary, says among the students in her class at least 4 are professional level writers ready for publishing. How wonderful for Rosemary, in her last semester of teaching, to work with such capable students. She is touched beyond words by their courage to articulate the depth of their lives. I am honoured beyond words that this was my life for the Fall 2007 term. Thank you for all your postings and encouraging emails during my travels.

Happy Holidays!

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