08 October, 2007

Music, pubs, and Andy's family of friends

This past weekend, fondly referred to in our academic calendar as a travel weekend, I spent in London. For those who do not know, my youngest brother (Andy) lives in the Notting Hill neighbourhood in this urban Mecca of 11 million.

I was rather late in booking travel and found airfare more economical than rail. Although I love the relaxed pace and experience of rail, I am mindful of my expenditures. Easy Jet is one of the many discount airlines operating in Europe and their blaze orange colour is easy to spot in busy airports such as Gatwick.

Andy was thoughtful in providing me with instructions for bus #52 from Victoria station. If all worked according to plan I would disembark within a few blocks of his flat. Directions in hand, I boarded the bus only to find that Ladbroke Road is a huge thoroughfare through London. Unlike my first experience in Dalkeith, I got off the bus early, a little too early. After many mobile phone calls, walking instructions, and circling each other around several blocks we found our way to each other. I spent the better part of Thursday walking around this lovely neighbourhood. Holland Park is delightful. We met up at King’s Cross early evening and walked to the venue hosting Jane Lui’s first gig in London. My niece has her second cd out and is currently doing some gigs here. Her performance brought the house down (exclaimed her totally biased aunt).

Friday I walked the Portobello market and enjoyed exploring the stalls and vendors. Friday evening we met up with several of Andy’s friends and trotted off to hear Sun Volt at the Lumminaire in the Kilburn area. A venue that packed several hundred of us into a space that was made for less. I was pleasantly surprised by how polite people were as they walked to the bar to fetch a pint, stand to listen to a set, or chat with their neighbour.

Saturday was a day spent eating breakfast at the Greek cafĂ© in Andy’s old neighbourhood. Hugs from the owners when they realised I was part of Andy’s family. We were joined by friends Shephali, Andy, Pat, Jen and their pug Mini. A few games of pool at a local pub, then off to Sean & Lorraine’s for the England rugby tournament where we met several more couples and babies Lucca and Dillon. It was nice to be in a home and more importantly England won. A surprise to all.

Yet another pub to meet up with Pat, Jen and pug Mini. I am reminded how often pubs are used as gathering places for friends. As an older sister I am of course concerned by the frequentness of imbibing and wonder how Andy and friends seem to manage their high flying careers (many are venture capitalists, marketing, & business development professionals).

We ordered Thai food to be delivered Saturday evening and enjoyed a seemingly mellow evening chatting and enjoying each others company. I am fortunate to have a fulfilling relationship with my brother. My heart is warmed knowing he has people in his life who love and support him.

I am now back at work in full swing. Ready for the week that lies ahead. Niece Jane will be here for a few days – she is in need of a break from her concerts and Dalkeith will be the perfect resting spot. Provided there is heat in her room…and the weather remains relatively warm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.