10 September, 2007


A hike with students to Arthur’s Seat on Saturday proved to be challenging and exhilarating. A warm day, a bit of a breeze, and 30 hearty souls attempting the climb. It’s one of those hikes I refer to as “unfair” partly because it starts with an immediate incline. Although the path is well travelled it is steep and for those of us working on increasing our fitness level – a bit slow going. There are a series of summits – the first of which comes on rather quickly. Thinking that we made it only to discover the true summit is “over there”. As one of the staff that participated, my hike started out with a curious request from a student; “Can I walk up there barefoot?”. “I wouldn’t advise it, why are you asking?” Apparently her $50 pair of Vans – oh so cool “kicks”- were creating blisters. Since we had the same shoe size, we switched shoes and she scampered off in my “oh so practical” kicks and I trudged up in the very cool Vans. I made it and I attribute it to the Van Factor. When I figure out how to load pictures I’ll post the famous photo as proof that Arthur’s Seat can be done in a pair of Vans.

However I digress a bit from the title of this posting. Joe is a student who, like many of us, has a phobia. Unlike many of us his was visible during our hike. His fear of heights was raging that day. Those of you who know this hike understand how challenging it can be for one who is free of this phobia. Apparently, Joe was inspired by Bob’s words "my senses are on fire" to be exact, a well told story of taking risks. Joe chose wisely and safely – he hiked with another staff member. It wasn’t pretty and there was some ridicule, but he did it. I am beginning to believe this is part of the magic here…people like Joe taking on the world and in a small way proving to himself that he is able to do “it” . We all have our “it” that we fear, avoid, or nibble around the edges, but Joe took it on. I will forever remember him clutching the top of the Summit...a true display of courage.


Anonymous said...


Good for you. I have been to Edinburgh countless times, but I still have not made the climb up Arthur's Seat! Maybe I need to get a pair of the oh so cool Vans...not sure what those are. Do they have built in roller skates for the trip back down?

Unknown said...


Thoroughly enjoyed your blog. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Should I bring you a card reader for you to upload your photos?
